Then & Now - Alden Fletcher



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Alden Fletcher in the KMS garden, on the wooden ramp in 1992, graduating from 2nd grade. Back then, KMS only went up to second grade.



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Alden Fletcher in the nursery she is designing for her growing baby, due June 7th. Alden was the Atelierista at KMS for 11 years, from Fall 2008-Summer 2019 and continues to work as a consultant to teachers and staff in regards to the co-mingling of the Reggio and KMS approach.  In Reggio, the title is a Pedagogista, as they are guides in the pedagogy and philosophy of the school. Alden has always been drawn to the aesthetics of an environment and in 2019, started her own Interior Design business to follow that passion. The business is Alden Fletcher: Finds and Designs. You can view her website here: